Can Acupuncture Help Your Skin?

People seek out acupuncture for a variety of reasons. They may be suffering from some kind of pain, digestive problems, stress, anxiety, hormonal issues, or even migraine headaches. However, most people won’t think about acupuncture when it comes to their skin. To a practitioner of Chinese medicine, the condition of your skin—including dry skin, rashes, easy bruising, and how much you sweat—can offer up all kinds of clues about the state of your health.

When it comes to skin there are many instances when acupuncture and Chinese medicine can really improve its appearance and health. Here are some examples:

Rashes and Hives

Rashes and hives (urticaria) are often associated with something called wind in Chinese medicine. If you have a rash, it tends to be very superficial, it often moves around, and it frequently is itchy. The itchiness and tendency of hives to move from place to place make it a prime example of wind on your skin. The appearance of your rash indicates the nature of what’s going on. For Minneapolis cosmetic acupuncture clinicexample, rashes that are very red are associated with some kind of heat in your body; pale or light rashes are considered cold, and those that are blistered or moist would be diagnosed as damp. The bad news is that you can have a combination of these, such as shingles in which the rash is very red, itchy, and blistered. In that case, you would be diagnosed with a combination of wind, damp and heat. Frequently rashes can be treated with Chinese medicine through a combination of acupuncture, and herbs.

Acne and Rosacea

Both acne and rosacea are caused by heat in the body, as indicated by the red appearance of the eruptions. In most cases, the heat that causes acne and rosacea tends to be a little deeper than that of a common rash. Treating these conditions would involve combining acupuncture and heat clearing herbs, as well as some dietary modifications to include foods that are cooler in nature. With regular acupuncture, it has been our experience that the breakouts or eruptions from acne and rosacea can be greatly improved.

The Importance of Circulation

One of the greatest benefits of acupuncture is that it improves your circulation, which not only benefits your health, but it also improves the appearance of your skin. Many patients find that their cheeks are flushed after an acupuncture treatment, and this is because their overall circulation has been improved. Research on the effects of acupuncture has documented that the concentration of inflammation-fighting white blood cells are increased in the area where acupuncture needles are placed. The benefits of better circulation include improved immunity, faster healing, more nutrients moving throughout your body, and healthier looking skin.

Cosmetic Acupuncture

It’s possible to apply the benefits of improved circulation directly to your face through a process called cosmetic acupuncture. What’s involved is a series of treatments in which tiny needles are inserted into acupuncture points in your face. Cosmetic acupuncture is a good way to increase circulation in both your face and neck, which brings more nutrients to those areas. In addition, the needling creates tiny micro traumas, which bring more collagen and elastin to the area as part of the healing process. The results of cosmetic acupuncture vary for each individual because each person has a unique body constitution and heals at a different pace. However, most patients who have had a series of cosmetic acupuncture treatments report looking healthier in general. In addition, many patients have noticed a decrease of fine lines and puffiness around the eyes, a slight lifting along the jawline, and a softening of deeper wrinkles.  In addition, for those who suffer from acne breakouts and rosacea, a series of cosmetic acupuncture treatments can decrease the frequency and severity of flare-ups. The added benefit of cosmetic acupuncture is that during a session, points are also needled in other areas of your body to support your overall health—so you can feel better and look better at the same time!

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Treating Rosacea with Acupuncture

W. C. Fields, the famous comedian in the early part of the 1900’s, was known for his humorous dislike of women, children, and dogs.  Part of his act was his hard-drinking persona, with his enlarged, red nose from too much drink.  While W. C. Fields may have been a power drinker, his big nose was from an extreme case of rosacea, a skin condition that affects an estimated sixteen million Americans.

Most people might not think of using acupuncture for skin conditions, but in fact, rosacea is something that we’ve effectively treated at Acupuncture in the Park. Rosacea is an interesting animal, as it not only affects your skin with acne-like pimples, but it also is vascular in nature, which causes the flushing and redness for which it’s named.

treating rosacea with acupunctureRosacea affects both men and women who are middle aged and older.  It involves the nose, cheeks, and chin with redness, broken blood vessels, and pimples.  It’s often accompanied by easy flushing and a sensation of heat.  In more advanced cases, the cheeks can become so red that they appear almost purple, and over time, this condition can cause thickening of the skin, especially the nose, which was the case for W. C. Fields.

Treating rosacea in Western medicine is geared toward managing the acne and inflammation, and involves the use of topical and oral antibiotics or flagyl, a powerful anti-infective.  Any long-term solutions involve surgical debulking of thickened tissue or laser surgery to treat broken blood vessels.

In Chinese medicine, rosacea is considered to be a kind of heat in your body.  Like heat anywhere, it tends to rise upward, and in the case of rosacea, it affects your face.  Interestingly, a great many people who have rosacea also suffer from migraine headaches, which also tend to be caused by heat moving upward and creating symptoms.

We discovered the effectiveness of acupuncture for rosacea almost by accident.  We performed cosmetic acupuncture on a number of patients who had mild to moderate rosacea to see if the protocol would help their condition.  Not only did their skin look better overall, but their rosacea disappeared.  Over time, we discovered that some patients who have rosacea respond equally as well without the entire cosmetic protocol.  In some cases, we use a point prescription that combines some local points on the face to reduce the inflammation and redness with other points on the body to clear the systemic heat.

Part of our treatment for rosacea is to determine and eliminate the source of the heat and causes of flare-ups. This involves an assessment and history of the condition, lifestyle factors, diet, and triggers. Once our patients with rosacea  complete a course of treatment, we rarely see them except for an infrequent maintenance visit.  That’s because their once-inflamed skin is now cool, calm, and under control.  Who knew?

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Ten Reasons to Try Cosmetic Acupuncture

It’s a fact of life that we all want to look our best. However, what we are willing to do to look good varies from person to person. While many people are willing to go the Botox route or undergo surgical procedures to improve their looks, there are more people who are not. Cosmetic acupuncture is a great choice for those of you who want to give your skin a boost, but don’t want to inject Botox, fillers, or have surgery. It works well for aging baby boomers as well as for younger women and men who want their skin to look healthy, glowing, and…well, a little younger.

Cosmetic acupuncture is also known as acupuncture facial rejuvenation, and sometimes called an acupuncture facelift. It involves the use of traditional acupuncture to slow the signs of aging in your face, tune up your skin, and to bring back that youthful glow to your cheeks.

There are a number of benefits to cosmetic acupuncture, and here are our top ten reasons to give it a try:

  1. Cosmetic acupuncture works by increasing the circulation in your skin. As you get older, your circulation tends to get a little sluggish. Cosmetic acupuncture brings all those nutrient goodies like collagen and elastin back to where you want it–in your face and neck.
  2. The increased circulation translated into better skin tone, fewer fine lines, and even some lift around sagging jowls and baggy eyes.
  3. It’s safe. There are no side effects, other than an occasional bruise, which heals in less than a week. You don’t have to worry about scarring, lumps, or botched procedures.
  4. Cosmetic acupuncture is chemical-free. There are no acid peels, Botox, or injectable fillers involved in the process.
  5. Your health benefits from the sessions, too. During a cosmetic acupuncture treatment, your acupuncturist also treats any health concerns that you have. They do this because beautiful skin is linked to good health. You can’t have beautiful, glowing skin if you’re health is suffering.
  6. It’s relaxing. Really. It may seem unlikely that an acupuncture treatment is relaxing, but the truth is that acupuncture increases the release of endorphins, those feel-good chemicals in your brain. This means that from the time you’re on the table for hours, and sometimes days after your treatment, you’ll feel mellow, rested, and less stressed.
  7. Cosmetic acupuncture is effective in treating acne, eczema, and rosacea.
  8. You’ll spend less money on cosmetic acupuncture than if you go the plastic surgery or injectable route. Each acupuncture treatment costs about $100 compared to several hundred or even thousands of dollars for injectables or surgery.
  9. The effects of cosmetic acupuncture can last years with just minor tune ups every six months or so.
  10. There is no down time with cosmetic acupuncture. You can have a treatment at lunch and head back to work glowing and relaxed.

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Beauty from the Inside Out

Adele* first came to our clinic several years ago to be treated for facial pain. Her pain was chronic, and after acupuncture treatments which involved placing small needles in her face, Adele was able to find relief from her pain. Adele continued coming to our clinic almost weekly for months, and even years, as acupuncture was the only thing that really helped her pain. However, after awhile, Adele’s co-workers began to notice and comment on improvements in her skin. It seems that the increased circulation from the acupuncture was actually making Adele look younger!

While it may seem odd that performing acupuncture for Adele’s facial pain would cause her skin to look younger, it makes perfect sense from the standpoint of Chinese medicine. The acupuncture treatments Adele had undergone had increased the circulation of energy and blood to her face, making it appear younger and more vibrant. The following is a discussion of the causes of aging skin and wrinkles, and what you can do to improve your skin, according to the theories behind Chinese medicine.

Dryness. According to Chinese theory, the primary cause of wrinkles is dryness. Now, your first thought may be, “Great, just use more moisturizer”. However, while it may show up on the surface, the dryness that we are talking about goes much deeper. Yin, a moisturizing and cooling substance in your body can become depleted, especially as you age. Deficient Yin is a systemic form of dryness that can affect all parts of the body and can make your skin look dry and wrinkled, even though you are regularly using a moisturizer.

As you age, Yin naturally becomes depleted, causing a decrease in moisture that can be seen especially on the surface of the skin. It appears as drying, thin skin. Below the surface, the depletion of Yin causes the sagging, loose skin due to a loss of the fat (also a Yin substance) that pads our face and neck.

Poor Circulation. The circulation of both energy and blood is crucial to good health. If you have impaired circulation, it will frequently show up on your face. In fact, many ancient Chinese texts refer to the appearance of the face in relation to various health conditions. Stagnation or the accumulation of blood, or water can cause dark circles under your eyes, a dusky or dull complexion, or under eye bags.

In addition, the circulation of energy and blood brings all the nutrients you need for beautiful skin to your face, including collagen and elastin. If your circulation is not good, whether from smoking, lack of exercise, or even strong emotions, your face will not look its best.

Diet and Digestion. Good diet and digestion are critical components of any skin care program. It is important to know that what you eat and how it’s prepared have a huge impact on the appearance of your skin.

In Chinese theory, improper diet is a common cause of illness and imbalance. Improper diet can have a few different meanings. First, eating too much food can make us fat, but in Chinese theory overeating can also damage your organ systems associated with the process of digestion. In contrast, not eating enough food can be equally as damaging. Without adequate intake, your body doesn’t have the building blocks to make energy, blood, and nutrients. Eating too much of any particular food can throw your body out of balance and damage various organ systems, too.

In Chinese theory, eating unclean food can also be a cause of disease. In ancient times, unclean food meant food that had spoiled or food that contained parasites. However, in modern times, unclean food might be considered food that is overly preserved or has lots of added chemicals. In addition, foods that have a high bacteria count would also be considered unclean.

The Balance between Work and Rest. The idea of overwork is an interesting concept in Chinese medicine. For me, the idea of overwork conjures up the picture of someone working long hours doing manual labor. However, overwork can also mean too much studying, too many hours at your desk, or excessive exercise. While a certain amount of exercise is appropriate, too much can be an underlying cause of imbalance and ultimately, illness.

Sleep is also part of the work/rest equation. Our bodies rejuvenate when we rest. If you are having difficulty getting enough sleep due to your schedule or because you suffer from insomnia, it is important to address your sleep issues. Lack of sleep will show up directly on your face.

Emotions. Emotions can be the cause of almost any disease, according to Chinese theory. In our day and age, stress is probably the emotion most damaging to our health. Stress, over time, binds up our energy, causing stagnation and illness. Worry, anxiety, anger, sadness, and other strong emotions knot up our energy and damage your digestion. In order to have optimal health and glowing skin, emotions that are overpowering your life, especially stress, will need to be dealt with.

Some Tips. Now you know what causes wrinkling and aging of your skin, but what can you do to improve the appearance of your skin according to Chinese theory?

-Eat foods that are Yin-replenishing. This includes darkly colored fruits and vegetables; healthy, plant based fats like nuts, nut oils, avocado, olives, etc.; and lean proteins.

-Pay attention to your digestion. Foods should be cooked, not too spicy, rich, or greasy. Avoid foods that cause you indigestion.

-Increase your circulation through exercise, movement, and massage.

-Quit smoking, as it impedes your circulation.

-Get adequate sleep—ideally seven to eight hours a night.

-Manage the strong emotions and stress that cause you to squint and frown.

-Find an acupuncturist who can correct the imbalances in your body, increase your circulation, and even perform acupuncture to erase some of your wrinkles.

*Names and identifying details have been changed.

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Nourish Your Skin with Chinese Dietary Therapy

Diet and digestion are one of the most important, and most frequently overlooked components of skin care. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, what you eat nourishes the face, and without adequate nutrients and good digestion, your skin can’t look its best.

The Chinese consider food as medicine that you eat three times a day.  They believe that as important as what you eat is how you digest the foods you eat.  Think of your digestive process as a pot of soup constantly simmering on the stove at low heat. When we eat, we are adding ingredients to that pot of soup, and the quality of those ingredients greatly affects our health, and ultimately, how we look. For example, if we add very cold things like iced drinks or ice cream to that pot, it takes a lot of energy to bring it back to a temperature where it is simmering again. The same is true of a lot of raw fruits and vegetables. It uses up energy to digest those foods–energy which could be used in nourishing your body instead of digesting your food.  If you cook your food lightly, those same fruits and vegetables are much easier to digest.

The link between digestion and our appearance is almost direct. Energy and blood, which is brought up to the face during cosmetic acupuncture, is produced by the food we eat. If our diet or digestion is poor, then there is not as much energy and blood to work with.

Some guidelines for good diet and digestion:

-Avoid iced drinks, ice cream, and too many raw fruits and vegetables.

-If you need to improve your digestion, turn to soups, stews, and stir fried foods, as they are the most easily digested way to get the nutrients you need.

-Avoid drinking too much alcohol, as it is dehydrating.

-Very spicy foods are difficult to digest, and eating them too frequently can damage your digestion.

-Vitamin supplementation for your skin should include a good multivitamin daily and supplementation with antioxidants, including Vitamins A, C, E, CoQ10, and B complex.

-Eat foods that are rich in antioxidants, especially the colorful vegetables, and leafy greens.

-Talk to your practitioner for specific recommendations based on the principles of Chinese Medicine and your individual needs

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Skin Care Recommendations

By: Lynn Jaffe and Shelley Conn

Facial Rejuvination Acupuncture works best when combined with a skin care program that nourishes and protects the skin from the sun, irritants, and harsh treatment. Therefore, we recommend the following:

-Wear a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 and protects against both UVA and UVB exposure every day. To ensure you are protecting from both UVA and UVB rays, your sunscreen must contain either Titanium Dioxice, Zinc Oxide, or Avobenzone (Parsol 1789). Sun damage, or photoaging, is the greatest contributing factor to aging of the skin, which includes wrinkles, discoloration and dark spots, and thick leathery skin. We only need about 15 minutes of direct sunlight each day to get adequate amounts of Vitamin D. After those 15 minutes, any sun exposure you get only serves to age your skin prematurely. The sun’s rays are strongest between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., so avoid exposure during those hours, if possible. Wear a hat and protective clothing if you are going to be in the sun for any length of time, and don’t forget that the sun’s rays can reflect off of water, snow, and even concrete.

-Wash your face with a gentle cleanser twice a day. Avoid harsh soaps, such as bar soaps, and overwashing, as both can dry out your skin.

-Moisurize your skin only as needed. It’s important to note that not everyone has dry skin and needs a daily moisturizer. Overmoisturizing can dull your skin and clog your pores, causing your skin to break out. It’s possible that you only need to moisturize certain parts of your face such as the area under your eyes.

-Your skin will look its best if you exfoliate to remove the very outer layer of dead skin and debris from your face. There are a number of ways to exfoliate, and you only need to choose one. Among them are Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA’s) or Beta Hydroxy Acids, which help loosen and slough dry and dead skin. Lynn or Shelley can explain more about products containing AHA’s or BHA’s.

Cleansing products which contain granules also work to exfoliate, but can sometimes be too abrasive. Look for a product that is gentle enough that it won’t injure your skin as you wash. Scrubbing your face with a washcloth will also get the job done, but again, can be abrasive. In addition, a wet washcloth is the ideal environment for all kinds of bacteria, and therefore is not your best choice. Brushes used for exfoliation are too abrasive, and not recommended.

-Always treat your skin gently. Use upward strokes when washing or applying products, and dab the delicate area around your eyes with your fingertips to avoid stretching or damaging the skin.

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Dietary Guidelines for Beautiful Skin

By: Lynn Jaffe and Shelley Conn

Diet and digestion are one of the most important, and most frequently overlooked components of skin care. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, what you eat nourishes the face, and without adequate nutrients and good digestion, your skin can’t look its best.

The Chinese view digestion like a pot of soup constantly simmering on the stove at low heat. When we eat, we are adding ingredients to that pot of soup, and the quality of those ingredients greatly affects our health, and ultimately, how we look. For example, if we add very cold things like iced drinks or ice cream to that pot, it takes a lot of energy to bring it back to a temperature where it is simmering again. The same is true of a lot of raw fruits and vegetables. It uses up energy to digest those foods. However, it they are cooked lightly, those same foods are much easier to digest. That’s why the Chinese rarely eat or drink cold or raw foods.

The link between digestion and our appearance is almost direct. Energy and blood, which is brought up to the face during cosmetic acupuncture, is produced by the food we eat. If our diet or digestion is poor, then there is not as much energy and blood to work with.

Some guidelines for good diet and digestion:

-Avoid iced drinks, ice cream, and too many raw fruits and vegetables.

-If you need to improve your digestion, turn to soups and stews, as they are the most easily digested way to get the nutrients you need.

-Avoid drinking too much alcohol, as it is dehydrating.

-Very spicy foods are difficult to digest, and eating them too frequently can damage your digestion.

-Vitamin supplementation for your skin should include a good multivitamin daily and supplementation with antioxidants, including Vitamins A, C, E, CoQ10, and B complex.

-Eat foods that are rich in antioxidants, especially the colorful vegetables, and leafy greens.

-Talk to your practitioner for specific recommendations based on the principles of Chinese Medicine and your individual needs.

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Cosmetic Acupuncture: A Beautiful Thing

By: Lynn Jaffee

More and more Americans are expected to live into their 70’s and beyond. With an increased life expectancy and great improvements in health, many women and some men have turned their attention to looking as young as they feel. Billions of dollars are spent annually in the United States on anti-aging creams and cosmetics. Plastic surgery and Botox injections have moved out of the realm of the rich and famous and are increasingly used as a routine first line of defense for anyone looking to take a few years off their face.

There are many people, however, who find the invasive nature and risks associated with surgery or injections more than what they are willing to undergo to look younger. For those who are looking for a safer and more natural alternative, an ancient treatment is taking on a new spin. Lately, aging baby boomers have been turning to cosmetic acupuncture to look younger and improve their health at the same time.

In China, Cosmetic acupuncture was used as long ago as the Sung Dynasty (960AD-1270AD) and was used by the Emperor’s concubines and the Empress herself. It involves the insertion of tiny needles in the face and on points of the body. Based on the ancient principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, cosmetic acupuncture works to increase the circulation of energy and blood to the face. This increase in circulation causes more nutrients, collagen and elastin moving to the facial area. Cosmetic acupuncture also works to decrease stress and improve health, which also benefits the appearance of the face.

The effects of cosmetic acupuncture can vary, but may include a more even, glowing complexion, a decrease in fine lines and softening of wrinkles, diminished puffiness around the eyes, and a general lifting of the face, including jowls. In fact, in a 1996 study reported by the International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture, 90% of the 300 participants reported improvements, such as better complexion, diminished lines and wrinkles, and feeling rejuvenated overall. In addition, many people report other health benefits from cosmetic acupuncture, such as improved digestion, decreased stress, less menstrual discomfort, fewer hot flashes, decreased acne breakouts, and less TMJ symptoms, such as teeth grinding.

Almost anyone can benefit from cosmetic acupuncture, but in general, people in good health will see the most improvement in their skin. Smokers, people with poor digestion, and those who suffer from long-term depleting conditions should resolve their health issues before undergoing cosmetic acupuncture. In addition, cosmetic acupuncture may aggravate migraine headaches.

The drawbacks of cosmetic acupuncture include the fact that unlike the immediate effects of Botox or surgery, usually 10 to 12 acupuncture treatments are needed to see results. In addition, while the results are noticeable, they can be unpredictable as to where and how much improvement is achieved.

Many people who have never had acupuncture think of it as a painful therapy. In reality, most people who have had acupuncture would not describe it as painful. There may be mild discomfort when the needles are inserted and some points on the body and face are more sensitive than others. However, your practitioner can use various insertion techniques on those points to minimize sensation. Most people find acupuncture extremely relaxing, and some actually fall asleep while the needles are retained.

Cosmetic acupuncture is extremely safe. There is no risk of disfigurement and no recovery time associated with this procedure. Most clients go back to work after having cosmetic acupuncture feeling relaxed and refreshed. Because cosmetic acupuncture benefits your health and decreases stress while it improves your looks, it is considered a rejuvenating therapy in every sense of the word.

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